About Us


The Association Treviso Incoming is motivated by the desire to assert and emphasize the role of the Tour Leader in the Treviso area due to the need to network among professionals, while respecting their roles, which support an economy in sharp transformation where quality and professionalism are crucial. Two main objectives of the Association: to be an active player in OGD "City of Art and the Venetian Villas" and encourage the development of services for tourist accommodation. The Association has the following purposes:

Chi siamo TrevisoIncoming

Tourism Promotion

Promote, support, spread and explain any social and-cultural initiative in naturalistic, scenic, historical, architectural, artistic, geographical, and folklore sectors, furthermore in the food and wine sector

Institutional Collaboration

Cooperate with institutional bodies in order to provide in the Marca territory the best possible tourist reception. Propose and give assistance in educational courses, to organize training regarding cultural tourism subjects

Safeguard the Role of Tour Leader

who is, first of all, in charge of the reception and assistance as previously defined by the Framework Law, with knowledge of at least one foreign language, as specified by the Regional Law n. 33 of November 4, 2002, art. 82 about professional figures